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Expand your Edelweiss Reach to New Markets

We would love to help you hit your international sales goals by reaching a broader audience for your books! If you’re an American publisher, we have options to add UK and other markets to your subscription. If you’re outside North America, and would like to get your titles in front of the vast US audience for Edelweiss, we can help you understand your options for that too. 

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Edelweiss Audiences

Edelweiss usage is growing worldwide, particularly in the UK. We have a team in the UK that is dedicated to training booksellers and reps, onboarding new users, and marketing and events. As a result of these efforts, we now have a thriving and growing Edelweiss community there, which includes large publishers such as Penguin Random House, Harper, Hachette, and Pan Macmillan. UK booksellers can collaborate closely with their reps on new-title buying and also benefit from popular tools like Edelweiss Analytics and Edelweiss360

Edelweiss catalogues can be made available to these active regional audiences. ​This allows for publishers to manage their catalogues, sales teams, and data in a way that i is appropriate and specific to regions, sales rights and export plans. Plus, Edelweiss can be used to present titles to books buyers, rights shoppers, and reviewers anywhere in the world. 

US and Canada

UK and Ireland

Australia and
New Zealand


Reaching the North American Market

If you’re a UK publisher looking to reach the North American market to sell and promote exported titles, we’re here to help! With a vast US user base, we offer a variety of tools—including catalogue listings, email marketing, and in-site placements—to showcase your titles or brand to large audiences of US booksellers, reviewers, and libraries, or to reach more targeted groups.

How It Works

For many years, we have worked with publishers who share titles across regions—especially between the UK and the US—and developed features and metadata processing to support this. Users in those regions will see only the titles and catalogues that publishers intended to show to their market. As a publisher, you can exclude titles that you do not supply to a region, or have rights to sell from your catalogues in other markets. This setup prevents those titles from being discoverable in a restricted market, even with a keyword search by a user in that region, while still being fully available to users in another market.

Edelweiss supports unique metadata elements for different markets, even allowing for alternative covers or comparable titles for the same ISBN in different markets. Books can show local metadata—such as currency, publication dates, and localized marketing and sales information—visible only to users in the relevant market. This can be accomplished by using additional ONIX feeds or manual updates. If your metadata is consistent across multiple markets and already included the necessary local currencies, your US metadata can remain as the default. 

Catalogues are created to display only the titles with sales rights in each market. For example, a UK catalogue may include fewer titles than the equivalent US catalogue.

Meet Your Sales Goals

Let us know your goals for growing your sales in new markets! 

To establish Edelweiss in certain markets and account for smaller audiences, we offer lower subscription prices for titles you'd like to make available to other markets for use by sales teams and booksellers in those markets. 

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